Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Weekend and the week

We had a great weekend. We had to get a new TV on Fri and the poor kids did great being drug around until 9:30. They finally gave up the ghost on the way home and crashed out. We no longer have 3d Television - lol. Sat was a busy day, we had a birthday party for great friends of ours and had to rush home afterward because we had my Mom and Stepdad out for dinner for Father's Day. The girls l0ve it when they come over. We had a great and lazy day spending time with Mike on Father's Day.

The girls are in VBS this week so I am taking advantage and going to the gym in the morning vs the afternoon. I think we will meet some friends for swimming after VBS one day.

The girls and I are really having a great summer. I decided that I wanted to keep them home more and especially since Brittany is starting Kindergarten. WOW - enjoy the younger years because they go so fast. My babies will be 6 and 4 this year....

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